When we got back she decided to take a 2 hour nap! Horray!!!
Here she is during her 2 hour nap. We were both soo happy to see her finally get some good rest.
We went out later in the afternoon to get our laundry, go to starbucks and look for a suitcase. She was fussy, but it was time to eat and her motrin wore off. This photo is of her drinking her bottle after we gave her more motrin. Not more than 2 minutes after I took this photo, did the entire bottle come up out of her nose and mouth all over Mike, herself and the bed. It was a scene!
Savannah and Mike had to take a bath. Housekeeping had to come and change the sheets and get new pillows. I washed clothes in the bathroom sink. Mike & I were not happy with each other dealing with this situation.
This is after all the clean up. She was very comfy with her Mama and cracked a smile for the camera. Shortly after the photo she fell asleep and we had Papa Johns Pizza for dinner. We hoped to go to an Italian Restaurant we heard was really good and had a real Italian chef. It wasn't Chinese trying to do Italian.
Hopefully, we'll figure out what is going on and it won't turn into anything serious.
Good Night!!
Oh, sweetie! That's harsh to deal with right now, especially with the emotions of your new child, and the lack of sleep. I'm praying for you and just remember to meditate on the Lord and all His goodness!
I hope all is well with Savannah, and that her little body is just adjusting to new food or the teething...did the foster care mention if she throws up a lot??? Madison had acid reflux as a baby & outgrew it at about 8 mo. old. She took Zantac to control the vomiting which was sometimes projectile bad. Hopefully it is nothing worse than that. Try to get more rest if you can!!! Tension & the flesh can get worse than it needs when we are tired!
If Jesus brings you to it, he will bring you through it. She is beautiful and such a special blessing from God. I'm praying for you! Lots of Love!
I hope she's feeling better now... I love the smiles when they have something in their mouth!
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