Last night was a night to remember. After the projectile vomit, was another incident. Not so bad, but enough to call housekeeping again. Savannah whined like a puppy the whole night. She's had a fever that will not let up.
When we woke up this morning, we had a late breakfast and decided to keep her in all day. She took a 3 hour nap in the afternoon and has been on Motrin the whole day. We are hoping that she is just teething. While she napped, we worked on our luggage situation. We were going to buy another suitcase to bring home all our goodies, but we decided to just ship it home. So we spend the day sorting our stuff and packing up. This will make it easier tomorrow.
Right now, we just want to go home. Our hotel room is caving in on Mike & I. There's no where to hide. We miss
Aiden and Shelby!! This is Shelby's first week of kindergarten. We are just homesick. We could also go for some great food. I'm dying for a salad with a grilled chicken breast. Food has been a challenge. The
Chinese we had in
Nanning was great. I even tried alligator. In Guangzhou, there nothing quick and easy. The hotel restaurants are very expensive and not necessarily good. A lot is lost in translation. You wonder what the beef and chicken really are. Someone ordered something with Pate and it looked and smelled like cat food. Things don't quite taste or look right. Not even McDonald's. Yes, I broke down and had McDonald's. Mike refused! The french fries were amazing.
We did have a great dinner tonight. An Italian restaurant with a real Italian chef. It was great! Fattening!! I think I've gained 10lbs during these 2 weeks. That is really bad news! Off to WW as soon as I get home. I don't remember the last time I ate a cucumber. Tonights dinner was worth it. We needed something to pick us up.
Tomorrow is the home stretch. We are scheduled to go to a zoo to see 1 Panda, but I don't think we are going to go. After the zoo, we spend the afternoon traveling to the US Consulate to take the Oath and get Savannah's visa and passport. That is the last of it. Then we leave the hotel Friday morning at 5:50AM That is an early day for us and hours on a plane.
To end our Wednesday Night, we came home to a clean room and Going Home Barbie. What girl doesn't have the Going Home Barbie? It is a free gift from the hotel, sponsord by Mattel. I'm not a Barbie fan, but I will keep this one. (I just lost the photo)
Have a great day everyone as we are sleeping.
PS- Sorry about all typos in my posts. I'm usually working on my posts at the end of the day and am whiped out. I know that many of you at home are anxiously waiting for something new. I told myself that I would post each day regardless of how tired I am.